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A Season of Change…

I made a BIG life transition when our family moved from the Chicago suburbs to the outskirts of San Antonio, Texas. Here are some lessons I learned. An executive coach invited me to take the word “T-R-A-N-S-I-T-I-O-N” and come up with a word/phrase, using each letter, to represent what I was experiencing.

Think about a transition you are facing or reflect on where you’ve been…

T – Transitions take time and more than I ever imagined

RRespect the process, transition doesn’t happen overnight, it ebbs and flows

AAsk for help, people want to give support and like feeling helpful

NNew is all around, embrace it

SSlow down and simplify when change happens to appreciate laughter, sunshine, kindness

IIntuition is the best guide, you know what you need so listen to yourself

TTransparency is key, freely share your highs and lows because your tribe cares

IIntentionality is your guide for making decisions, choosing your behavior and taking action

OOpportunities exist everywhere if you are paying attention

NNurture yourself

Reflect on transitions you’ve encountered over the years using these questions:

· When transition are you facing or have faced recently?

· What surprised you?

· What provided reassurance?

· Who stepped up and helped you navigate the transition?

· How did your life change because of the transition?

· What did you learn?

· What do you wish you knew before the transition occurred?

· What advice do you have to share with others about transitions?

· What opportunities does change bring about for you?


Each strand represents one of us. We all have strengths we bring to the table. Woven together with other community leaders, an even stronger rope is created. Who can you connect with to create greater success?

The Charmm'd Foundation 2005 - 2024.

Thank you for all of these wonderful years!


Here’s to your future of great successes!

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